You’ve got it!

I came to Sahaja Yoga at the first meeting held at Caxton Hall in October 1977. An Indian lady was sitting on the stage with about half a dozen very sick looking people and an English man was standing and talking. I was in the audience because the advertisement said, ‘Your divine birthright’ and ‘No money will be taken,’ which rang true for something spiritual.

The Englishman’s talk became boring and I thought, ‘I can’t sit here any longer, I’m going to leave.’ I sat near the door so I could make a quick exit. Just as this thought came to my mind, Shri Mataji signalled to this man to stop talking. Then She got up and started talking. It was everything that I had expected, at least verbally. When we were supposed to feel the vibrations, I didn’t feel anything at all.

‘All I am here for is to give you love.’ Shri Mataji said, and something happened in my heart. I felt this distinct churning in my chest. She came down and looked at all of us. She told one of the older yogis who was with Her that I had ‘got it’. I felt nothing. Shri Mataji came up to me, stood right in front of me and put Her hand over my head.

‘You’ve got it. You’ve got it!’ She said.

‘No, I don’t feel anything at all,’ I replied.

‘Oh wow, I feel it. I feel it!’ said a person sitting on my right.

‘This is just auto-suggestion,’ I thought.

‘I feel the cool breeze,’ the person on my left started saying. Meanwhile, I felt absolutely no breeze at all. I was quite disappointed and Mother was insisting that I’d got it.

I was a sceptical aerospace engineer, just out of college. Of the thirty or so new people who came to that programme, I was the only one who became a Sahaja Yogi.

Bala Kanayson



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