Vytas Testimonial

Vytas, I’m from Lithuania. Now, I am living in my mother’s house. I came half a year ago to England and in yoga I am obviously half a year. Before I came to yoga, I was a seeker and I had, in my country, a fresh juice bar. The juice bar was called, I named it Happiness, because the most important thing that people are looking for is happiness. When I saw that people also, live like in one cocoon, I tried to made the bar because happiness is, they ask what is real happiness, they can start to find God, some spirituality. What I did, how I represent this question of happiness, I make on one wall a photo screen, a lot of photo screens. This wall was like life. I put some happy people, some famous people who are inspiring, some animals and everything. And another wall, it was a mirror. And in front of them was a book where it was the question, what is happiness? And if you come to this juice bar, I say, welcome to juice bar Happiness and I say to you, look to this wall and people look to the picture where you’re smiling and start smiling and his brain starts stopping and a little bit opening their heart. When I see that you are smiling, look to the mirror. When you see you’re smiling, it absolutely starts, heart is opening. And at that moment, you can start writing what is happiness, this moment. And every time when you come to this bar or you are staying at home, every time you’re thinking, what is happiness? Is it really a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, hundred cups of coffee is happiness? Or to make a better life, better car, better everything? And do you find your answer, what is real happiness.

One day came one lady and she said, maybe you, because I was talking about everything, about spirituality, I was a seeker, at that moment I was studying Kabbalah, very interesting, and she said, maybe you want to try some yoga. I said, no, no, no, for me, exercise is, I was trying a few years ago and it’s not interesting. She left me a DVD and I decided, okay, maybe sometimes I will look to that DVD.

-Yoga or Sahaja yoga?

Sahaja yoga. After one week, I decided, okay, I will look this lecture, what is that interesting. I bring this DVD at home but at home computer, I put it’s not showing and day time, it was the longest day and the shortest night, I do not know how in English it’s called. And I sit to bus to go to my juice bar and I drive in the bus, standing and, in front of me is a vision, how Mother was standing and waiting for me and I running to her and we hugged each other. What is that? What is that? I cannot believe. What is that? Okay, I think, but it’s too difficult to believe. I go to my juice bar, looking to her lecture and nothing wrong, everything right, right, right. Okay, come back at home and start to look in internet all information about it and, okay, I need to try this self-realization program. I write everything correctly, how, where to put hands, what to say. And I read that and I feel that something start moving inside but I know that I must do exactly how it’s written because, if I do right, it must be okay. And I did and it was, it’s happening how it’s written, Kundalini started growing, there was warmth and it’s opening like big tree. It was blessing, a bit blessing. I was in that situation, I think, three days. And it was nearly enlightening. That was my story.

– That’s a beautiful story




