The symbolic significance of our work

We were about seven Italians who had the enormous good fortune to be called to work here at Brompton Square before the Guru Puja in July 1983. The young men were to redo all the floors of the ground floor in Carrara marble, including the dining room. That morning we had to sort out the marble slabs which were too dark or too light in colour. Shri Mataji appeared in the doorway of the dining room and praised the Italians for their speed and ability. She also spoke of the power of marble, which is very cool, to absorb negativity and the great power of this stone to purify, above all in Her house.

She worked a little on one of the young Italian men, who was not so well, and Her attention was on him at that time. Then She explained the symbolic significance of our work in Her house. We, She said, were working to build the New Jerusalem and we were the ‘golden builders’ of the city of God – which is symbolically Her house – and in a more extended sense London and the world is. Her house, She went on, is a house without foundations, built like a bridge on the banks of a subterranean stream, in one of the places already mentioned by William Blake, the great ‘seer’, in his poems. It was together with the house at Chelsham Road, and at Surbiton where there was also an ashram, and at other locations that I did not know about.

Thus the work that we Sahaja Yogis had done – because only Sahaja Yogis were working there – was a work which had an incalculable significance, much deeper than the material side of it, and it was an act of devotion to the divine. Shri Adi Shakti accommodated us in Her house, fed us, took us into Her room with great respect and love and gave us the opportunity to work for Her, and while working for Her She would work on us, and clear us. Also staying in the house was Her daughter with two grandchildren, who put on a little show for us with dancing, singing and comedy, with much laughter. At this moment Sir CP came in to see the floor of the dining room and thanked us so much, while one of our group replied that it was a pleasure to be here to finish the work.

Alessandra Pallini



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