Testimonials Sahaj Kothari


Reporter: In one word, describe your experience.

Sahaj Kothari: Inspiring.

Reporter: Why?

Sahaj: To the stories that I’ve heard from the speaker, she has gone through a lot but even at one point, I couldn’t hear, “I couldn’t do this and I don’t want to do this.” She was very determined to do, regardless of whatever happened and I can resonate a lot with it. To keep going, to keep going. It can be hard but to keep going. And that was very inspiring.

Reporters: So, will this affect your business network?

Sahaj: I was speaking to her and I said: “Tomorrow morning I’m getting up at 4 a.m. So that’s already started, I’m already boosted in the business and this is literally accelerated out.

Reporter: What would you say to anyone considering investing in this event?

Sahaj: Do it! Do it! for me, I see this even as a monthly booster of who you connect with. You connect with great people. One single idea can change what you see in your life and how you work in your business or even your personal life. So, surround yourself with the right people, give it a go. Good luck!







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