Tales & Truths – Stories of Sahaja Yoga Meditation


My name is Ana Bianca and I’m from Burlington, Canada and I’m 16. I meditate at least once a day and whenever I can. What keeps me meditating is it’s really relaxing and it just helps me focus in on myself. What I enjoy about Sahaja yoga meditation is the collectivity and you make some really great friends and you’re really close to them. It makes me much more detached from everything, I don’t get caught up in the problems I have and I can just go meditate and relax myself like, before I have an exam or something important, a project, assignment. Meditating really clears out your mind from whatever you had before, whatever rubbish, whatever you don’t want and then it just creates space for new ideas to come in.

Meditation is the only way you can grow.
Because when you meditate,
you are in silence,
you are in thoughtless awareness.
Then the growth of awareness takes place.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi







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