Take us with You (diary entry)

Shri Mataji arrived at Fiumicino airport on Wednesday, 7th of September, 1983. Rome was shining because of the splendidly sunny days and because of the vibrations of four thousand posters of Shri Adi Shakti, put up on the main roads of the city to announce Her coming. We have been much helped this year by the Commune (Town Council) who have patronised the three public programmes of Shri Mataji. They printed five hundred large posters in colour put them up for free on the walls of the city. Very auspicious for Rome!

The day after, the 8th of September, was the first programme at the Sala Borromini, (Borromini Room) designed by the great baroque architect of that name, in Corso Vittorio. The hall, with about three hundred seats, was completely full of seekers of ‘deep quality’ as Mother told us later. On the roof of the hall was a fresco: a triangle of gold, the symbol of the Holy Spirit, with all the rays going out from the centre and spreading from the top of the skies onto the people below in the room. Behind Shri Mataji was written, in big letters, an inscription in Latin which said, ‘trahe nos post te’ which means ‘take us with You’. It was as if this hall, around three hundred years old, was constructed just for that event, so the people could bathe in the immense ocean of love of our Mother.

The people, altogether as a group, behaved in a very positive way and did not ask any inopportune questions. They did not interrupt nor were they aggressive. Almost everyone got their realisation and at the end of the talk many people went up to Shri Mataji. Some were already absorbed in Her, with their eyes fixed on Her and with their hands open to Her. The miracle of realisation had already started and their Kundalinis were already working even though they were not aware of it.

When Shri Mataji left the hall, some Sahaja Yogis had to open the way to the exit through the crowd of people around Her. The first two programmes took place in this hall and the third and last was in the auditorium of the national TV studios, where there were about five hundred people, because the programme had been announced on the radio. The Goddess was beautiful and radiant and She was immersed in Her vibrations which reverberated throughout the whole room. When Shri Mataji said, ‘I bow to all the seekers of joy,’ there was silence and profound joy. Probably the people had recognised Her, deep within themselves.

            Alessandra Pallini



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