Sahaja Yoga Meditation Overcomes ADHD without Medication

Reporter: Now though, Ryan and Jayden are thriving on a drug-free treatment.

Kerrie Hammond: Ryan’s not taking any and Jayden’s taking half a dose. And they can still maintain their focus, as if they’re on medication, so that’s been the biggest difference.

Reporter: It must be a relief to you.

Kerrie: A huge relief because I was looking at any option to get them off medication. I just didn’t like the idea of them being on tablets long-term. Let your Kundalini work its way up so that collectively our attention is above our head.

Reporter: Ryan, Jayden and Kerrie Hammond have been part of a focus group trialing Sahaja meditation at Sydney’s Royal Hospital for Women. After just six weeks, 16 children with ADHD all showed a marked improvement. What do you love most of all about the meditation?

Jayden and Ryan Hammond: We like being a lot cooler. Yeah, we feel a lot cooler, more relaxed, able to concentrate without our tablet. We can go to sleep a lot easier.

Dr Linda Harrison: Many of these children we see are quite isolated. They, especially at school, they have problems with teachers, problems with peers. They feel anxious about things and these are symptoms that have been reduced and the children are feeling better themselves about themselves.

At the Center for Neuropsychopharmacology at Melbourne Swinburne Institute researchers are now mapping brain waves for an insight into the meditative state.

Dr Con Stough: We see this is very much a scientific investigation of a different state. So, this is a meditational state where some of the level of consciousness has changed, your level of attention has changed and there’s probably corresponding changes to how the brain is functioning.

Enjoying this meditation and enjoying the thoughtless awareness.

A full scale clinical trial on meditation and ADHD is now in the pipeline.







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