Now everyone can feel it

In 1983 Shri Mataji came to Boston. I am from there. She spent quite a long time with us that year.

The memories that I have of Her time in Boston are very precious because we had a small ashram. Shri Mataji stayed in the ashram with a small number of us and we got to spend some time in the living room with Her. The most extraordinary event I can remember was listening to music. There were about fifteen of us and She was sitting with us.

‘Let us have some nice music,’ She said.

What immediately jumped into our minds was to let Shri Mataji listen to a jazz artist that we were very fond of, who we thought might be a realised soul. So I put the tape of his music into the tape machine and I pressed ‘play’, and it just wouldn’t go. I couldn’t figure why because the tape machine had been working up to that point and there was nothing wrong with the tape.

‘Here, let me try a different tape,’ I suggested, ‘so we can see if it is the machine or the tape.’ The other tape I picked up was some Indian flute music by Vijay Raghav Rao. I put it in and immediately the tape worked.

‘Ah yes! This is beautiful music. This is wonderful music,’ Shri Mataji said immediately, so of course, we listened to that. We sat in a semi-circle around Her.

‘Whatever is happening in the atmosphere, whatever is happening in the universe is reflected in My body. Even the rhythm of this music is happening in My body,’ She said.

She had me put my left hand under Her Foot and a very complicated rhythm was pulsing on the sole,  corresponding to the rhythm of the music: the rhythm of the tabla that was playing with the flute music. I felt it with my own hands.

‘Now everybody can feel it,’ Shri Mataji said.

Kristine Kirby



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