New York

While I was in the journey of my life I realized after a point that I was just not achieving that divine meaning that I am perhaps born for. I did try some Yoga classes in New York but then never really found that Divine or Jesus within me. Then I came across this Divine being and her name is Nirmala Devi. People in Sahaja Yoga call her Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Shri is out of respect for her and indeed there should be respect for someone like her. For many years before I had tried Sahaja Yoga, I felt the way I was brought up as a child and the dignity with which I had grown up, I was losing that with several actions of mine. Running after women, money, and power did not really do me good. I needed that spiritual healing that would transform my life…really actually save my life. And Shri Mataji did save me…she did. After meeting her I started believing in godliness and the fact that God did exist and love also existed. Earlier for me, it was about every second woman I met..yeh I did feel I was in love with them. I mean I used to read the bible earlier…more than the old testament the new testament but it never figured in my own head what I was really praying for or searching within. It was probably fear and my parents due to which I did…why do we do things for God when we need to fear…what for? Shri Mataji or Nirmala Mataji taught me how to overcome that fear and now frankly I do get some of that essence in the Bible too but it was never meant to be a religion that I was getting into but truly now I have realized Sahaja Yoga or some places they call it Sahaja Yoga meditation is indeed a universal religion. A prayer works but trusts me with the awakening of the Holy Spirit and Kundalini energy in Sahaja Yoga through Shri Mataji’s photographs works like ultimate stuff… I mean it, comrades, you just gotta try it. Anyways, she is special for me and I want to post a short excerpt of her talk below so you can enjoy. One thing I wanna say is that in your journey you need to know that people in Sahaja Yoga are very loving but at times for your ascent and growth you may feel differently me it’s just for your growth. Believe me, Shri Mataji wants you to become a solid Yogi who can change America for the better and that time is coming… I say with all my heart. Not just America but the whole world, one lovely family.

You can get more details on Sahaja Yoga at,,, and other sites. Her talks can be found on and also

Excerpt from her talk at a Public Program: Enjoy !!

All this is coming because this is the Last Judgment. I have told you this is the Last Judgment. And this Last Judgment will really decide who are to be saved and who are to be doomed completely. It’s a very, very serious thing. All of those who are aware should think about it. Little patchwork here and a little patchwork is not going to help. Whatever you may try, unless and until you transform human beings, they cannot be saved. This transformation is not an impossible thing – it’s not difficult. This is the time for transformation, this is a chance for transformation. And within us is placed the power, as power is described, is the mystical feminine Power within us. All of them have described it, I’m not the first person to say that; but nobody has been able perhaps so far to understand it or to accept it, that it should happen to you.

You are born not only to be human beings, but you have to be superhuman. You have to enjoy yourself. Your life should be enjoyable, it should be blissful. It should not be a curse: morning till evening worried about this, worried about that. That is why you are created. God had no intention of creating people who will be all the time worried about how to quarrel, how to fight, how to save; but people who will live in complete harmony, peace and joy. That’s why we are created. That is our destiny – that is, not just I am telling you, but it’s a fact. So we have to be, we have to be transformed. This transformation is not difficult. But what I find, people get satisfied with anything. Hindus will go to the temple; they’ll think, “Oh, we have done a great thing.” Christians go to the church; they’ll think they have done very well. Muslims will go and pray and think that they are great. What have they achieved? Face yourself, please. Face your limitations. Face your tribulations. Face your problems and see for yourself: have you been able to solve your problems? Have you been able to save yourself from calamities? Maybe big calamities may come to destroy people who are, who are doing harm, maybe. That may be the wish of God. But what is your wish? Why don’t you think that “I have to be a person who is a store, who is a source of joy and love”?

I am not only talking, but I want you all to get your Self-realization. What is Self-realization – is to know your Self. You don’t know your Self. You don’t know. You are living in this world without knowing your Self – can you imagine? You don’t know what you are. You don’t know that you are the spirit and that you are the source of knowledge, of pure knowledge.



