How can India and Pakistan become one ?

I’ve always wondered why the two nations are so bitter against each other. Of course there is history but then there is history to everything…including all the good or bad we have done ourselves in this or our past lives. When I see the problem, I do feel it is mostly between the politicians who are trying to create more problems than actually solve them. The people in general don’t have anything against each other…religion is a perceived dividing factor but in reality India does have more Muslims than Pakistan. More than anything else, now I feel the solution is Sahaja Yoga and nothing else.

When Prophet Mohammed and all the Hindu Deities are related and work in unison as one then why do the people have to separate themselves into such boundaries ? And even if the boundaries exist then why not still share a bond of love instead of carrying the burden from the past ? This can happen only when people take to Sahaja Yoga in both the countries. Through Sahaja Yoga, I have realized that we are truly one…every one is a child of the Divine and nobody is inferior or superior in any way. When I see Russians, Americans, Colombians, Africans, Europeans and Asians sit in one spot and pray to the Divine with a common voice and feeling then I do feel the world has a chance…it can happen only through Sahaja Yoga. I have read both the Koran and the Gita and can tell you with confidence that the essence is the same, but it cannot be understood mentally…it needs to be imbibed within and then you will see how all these religious scriptures are in essence talking of the same thing.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has created this beautiful family and am sure one day it will extend to all Muslim fundamentalist countries too including Pakistan. I pray to Allah and to Paramatma who are the same but viewed differently by Hindus and Muslims to now integrate India and Pakistan with the thread of love which is based on reality and experience. I pray that both the nations unite through Sahaja Yoga and in fact the whole world unites through Sahaja Yoga. The power of love will one day prove that all that is false has to die off and all that is true will sustain. If hippies, drug addicts, mentally ill, perverted people can become normal and beautiful human beings through Sahaja Yoga, then am sure even fundamentalist ideas will one day subside.

From the bottom of my heart, I pray very humbly that these things will happen. People will recognize Shri Mataji one day and the world will change. Amen







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