Helen’s Testimonial on Vibrated Water (on her Birthday)

-We carried this for three weeks, we hoped that she’s coming.

Helen: I’m enlightenment seeker, loving mother, nimble with it. Like the lotus flower that blossoms so beautifully, your Sahaja yoga family loves you. Thank you. That’ so nice. That’s beautiful, thanks.

– We thank Cathelin, she did an amazing job.


-The way we celebrate, it’s very Sahaj. We don’t celebrate the actual birthday and whatever comes, whoever feels to bring something to somebody.

Helen: Never mention the age. What are these for?

-It’s for stand, you want to hang it up or you want it standing.

-Everything that is essential, you will learn so much from it. And then you come back and teach us.

Helen: Oh, that’s some of the oils. Nice. Organic olive oil bath. And a dish. Thank you everyone. Now what?

-Well, just say a few words.

Helen: Sahaja experience.

-Just tell about a friend of yours.

Helen: My girlfriend, yeah. I have a lifetime girlfriend and she suffers with really, really bad pain. So, we don’t see each other very often. But, when you’ve been friends since 12-year-old, you feel like you can pick up where you left off, so I think we spent 8 hours talking. I was telling her about Sahaja yoga, she open to try the meditation and we just did it in her car, we freaked a lot of 15-year-olds. Right away, she felt the cool breeze in her palms and on her head and she felt like the Sahaswara opening, like the little droplets on her head, like, the whole nine yards. It was just amazing. And then I told about it and she said, what side does your friend, what side of her face does she suffer, she has trigeminal neuralgia, she had to take morphine, it’s bad. I emailed her, she said, the left side, that’s what we call guilt and everything and it’s also the brother and sister relationships and I always say that’s because of the way, she’s Greek also, she feels so much guilt, she has to do everything by the book, especially when it comes to everything her parents expect of her, if anybody’s sick, she doesn’t leave the hospital 24 hours a day. I think she gives so much of herself and there’s nothing left and sure enough, this shows up on her body exactly as Sahaja yoga explains. She’s just had a little knee surgery but she’s going to come here one of these days, I know she’s going to come. I hope some healing can come for her, too, because I sure helped my own body for coming here for, how long has it been, a year and a half. I even had a silly incident last week where I was pouring my boiling water to make my coffee and for some reason I pushed something and put the water right over my hand. I got the vibrated water and I didn’t have a blister. All kinds of little miracles happen.







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