Dr. Madhu Rai’s Presentation – part 4


Children and parents, how to maintain children state. So, children and parents, as we cleanse, until 10 years of age, until the child’s 10 years, the mother and child are connected. Even though the umbilical cord is cut, still the vibrations are, whatever catches the parents, children are clearing parents. So whatever the imbalances are in our system, the children will also tend to have the same. If we cleanse ourselves, it helps the children. Apart from that, it is not like children themselves do not have an imbalance. They do tend to have an imbalance because they themselves are quite active. So, foot soak and a little bit of massage, reciting Shri Ganesha, usually suffices. But if they go to school and they may absorb from others, it is very important that before sending the children to school you put them in bandhan. And then try to make them have the foot soak. That usually suffices. If you find that that child is being tranquil, left-sided, then you can make the [1:26].





