Category: Videos of Seekers

  • Carol Garrido: “I need a Guru…”

    Carol Garrido: “I need a Guru…”

    I was in Sheffield at the time and I think what happened really is in retrospect that I walked, I was studying in Sheffield landscape architecture, and I walked past this bookshop where they sold incense and all sorts of things. I sort of walked back again because I saw this picture on the door…

  • Recollections with Nigel Powell and Pamela, Mio, Felicity, Malcom & Chris

    Recollections with Nigel Powell and Pamela, Mio, Felicity, Malcom & Chris

      Was there a point which you can remember which was kind of a secondary profound experience? Something which was so impactful on you that it took you to another point of understanding who Shri Mataji was, a recognition if you like, apart from the initial self-realization, it was a start. Did anybody have, it’s…

  • Malcolm Murdoch & Mio Radosavljevic

    Malcolm Murdoch & Mio Radosavljevic

      Malcolm: How I came I came into Sahaja yoga really in a sense that, well, I was at university, you thought there’s more to life than meets the eye. My first venture into finding out about that was I went along to TM and that sort of introduced me to something but of course…

  • Christopher Greaves in conversation with Nigel Powel

    Christopher Greaves in conversation with Nigel Powel

    As an answer is one things I think people will be really interested to hear about from your experiences is not just when and where you got your self-realization but the circumstances quite briefly, where your head was if you like, what were the circumstance at the time when you found Shri Mataji and Sahaja…

  • Luis Garrido Recalls Times with Shri Mataji

    Luis Garrido Recalls Times with Shri Mataji

    .. when I admitted, yes, I can feel the vibrations, then Mother said, in that case you can come with me to the airport. We’ll take you in my car, you can come in my car. So, great, I’ll come to the airport with Mother. As mother entered the car everybody got in the car…

  • Kay O’Connell

    Kay O’Connell

    I got my realization in Brighton and think at the time I was seeking and someone that I knew, we were all a bunch of old hippies really and there’s someone I knew there and he lives sort of a few doors away and he suddenly disappeared. I was quite worried about him actually because…

  • Dr. Madhura Rai & Doctors Q&A

    Dr. Madhura Rai & Doctors Q&A

    The left Mooladhara, if that is affected, then diseases like AIDS, STD, also muscle disorders, like muscular dystrophy come from the Mooladhara. In ladies, we have fibroid uterus, this also we need to work on. These are the chakras that need to be worked upon when we have these physical symptoms or you have the…

  • Awakening of Inner Energy Through Sahaja Yoga – 2

    Shri Mataji: When you come to Sahaj yoga, what happens is that the energies which are inside us which are in a triangular shaped sacrum bone, which we call Kundalini, all this are written in the scriptures it is not that I am telling these things myself. When it is awakened it pierces the six…

  • Sahaja Yoga – A Unique Discovery & Gift To Mankind Srichand Chaudhary Jaipur Narrator: Friends Sahaj yoga a unique discovery and gift to mankind, today we have Shri Chand Chaudhary from Jaipur as our guest, who is a businessman, let us know how his spiritual journey started and what things that he achieved. Interviewer: Viewers you are welcome once again in News Dnn special presentation on spiritual…

  • Experience Sharing By Atmaram Misra – Adishakti Puja 2018

    Mr Atma Ram Mishra: Jai Shri Mataji my name is Atma Ram Mishra I am from Hardoi Centre, Uttar Pradesh. As all the brothers have said it is very true that… Hello. Jai Shri Mataji, we have our works done by Shri Mat we all know that who Shri Mataji is she is Adi Shakti…