Category: 1987 – 1989

  • The stone-throwing incident

    The stone-throwing incident

    Angapur is a village near Brahmapuri/Satara, on the banks of the Krishna River in Maharashtra. ‘This Angapur has a very special feature about it,’ Shri Mataji explained, ‘you see, Shri Ramdas swami, the master of, the guru of Shivaji, found the statue of Shri Rama, Sita and Lakshmana in this river, at this point in…

  • This was the colour of Shri Mahalakshmi

    This was the colour of Shri Mahalakshmi

    It was 1989 when I was on the India tour, when we were at Brahamapuri, which was on the Krishna River, and I had the opportunity to walk close to Shri Mataji. She did some footage for a video, and I put my shawl on a rock where She was going to sit down. She…

  • Mother had saved me!

    Mother had saved me!

    On the India tour of 1989 – ‘90 all the ladies body soaked in the Krishna River. Even though I was only thirty I was amazingly stiff. Suddenly the message came that we had to put on dry saris, because Mother was coming to the river, and I was the very last. When everybody was…

  • Shri Shiva in the clouds above the Krishna River

    Shri Shiva in the clouds above the Krishna River

    This is an enlargement of part of the photo above. Shri Shiva can be seen in the cloud on the left hand side, above the men in white kurtas.

  • Shri Shiva in the clouds

    Shri Shiva in the clouds

    I was at Pratishthan and by Shri Mataji’s grace I could show Her some photos I had taken on the India tour of 1989/90. In the photo we were on the banks of the Krishna River, and all the yogis were standing in a tremendous light, while the sky was dramatic with both light and…

  • Shri Shiva in the clouds above the Krishna River

    Shri Shiva in the clouds above the Krishna River

    This is an enlargement of part of the photo above. Shri Shiva can be seen in the cloud on the left hand side, above the men in white kurtas.

  • Why do you think I brought you to India?

    Why do you think I brought you to India?

    Just before returning to Australia, after the 1989/90 India Tour, it was New Year’s Eve. Earlier that day I had walked up a hill, and observed Indians politely lined up to board a bus. A cow was standing across the doorway, and the people were respectfully waiting for her to move. The symbolism moved me,…