Category: Chapter 2

  • A school visit

    A school visit

    On the same tour about a dozen of us were chosen by the leader to visit a girls’ school in Delhi with Shri Mataji. The leader asked me to write a report about the visit, (I am a journalist) so I trailed behind Shri Mataji with my notebook, writing down everything I heard Her say…

  • A story of King Shivaji

    A story of King Shivaji

    On one occasion, in Delhi, Shri Mataji was talking about King Shivaji of Maharashtra. She mentioned that if he had lived longer he would have taken Maharashtra to the gates of Delhi, and also that if Aurangzeb had killed him when he was a prisoner at Aurangzeb’s court, there would have been no hope for…

  • Shri Mataji, how does the Sushumna rise?

    Shri Mataji, how does the Sushumna rise?

    Once, when Shri Mataji was going to Patna, my wife and I went to see Her off at the airport.  Shri Mataji told me that the day before She came across some people whose Sushumnas just would not rise. ‘Shri Mataji, how does the Sushumna rise?’ I asked Her, being as I was a new…

  • A large number of shining Kundalinis

    A large number of shining Kundalinis

    In early eighties, there were very few Sahaja Yogis in Delhi. I was lucky enough that Shri Mataji permitted me to take Her to various programmes and other places. Once, Shri Mataji was conducting programme in Haryana. There She was told about a boy who had never spoken a word. She asked for the boy…

  • Your Mother knows everything

    Your Mother knows everything

    Shri Mataji used to explain things to us in a very simple way. Once, I had gone to Nainital.  There I met an old friend, Dr Bhatnagar. Being an enthusiastic new Sahaja Yogi I used to tell everybody about Sahaja Yoga.  I told Dr Bhatnagar also. He agreed with me on many points but could…

  • She said the prayer

    She said the prayer

    After I was married in 1984 I was looking after Shri Mataji in Delhi. I had just served Shri Mataji morning tea, and She was sitting on a chair in Her room. She had just finished Her tea and I was making Her bed. I was tidying up and She said to come and sit…

  • New Delhi, 11th – 19th March, 1984 (diary entry)

    New Delhi, 11th – 19th March, 1984 (diary entry)

    This week there were four public programmes at the Marvlankar Auditorium on Raj Marg, near the parliament buildings. There was also a Birthday Puja – there are two this year, one in Delhi and one in Bombay. There was also a celebration of Holi. This is a festival instituted by Shri Krishna to dissolve the…

  • A meeting with a relation

    A meeting with a relation

    In March 1984 the India tour went to Delhi. Shri Mataji arranged for the foreign Sahaja Yogis to stay with different Sahaja families, but there were not quite enough families for all the foreigners. By chance a close relation of mine came to Delhi at that time for work, and stayed with some friends of…

  • The story of a parrot

    The story of a parrot

    Once, Shri Mataji came to my father’s house for lunch. Accompanying Her were Raol Bai and a few Delhi Sahaja Yogis. My father is very fond of animals and has had dogs, bears, cheetahs, squirrels and parrots over the years. The wild animals were released in the wild. At the time Shri Mataji came he…

  • His jyotish was very bad

    His jyotish was very bad

    It was in about 1984 and there was a nice man who was one of the Delhi leaders. Shri Mataji told him not to go to work on his scooter, but he did because it was the only way he could get there, and he was run over by a bus and killed. ‘You see,…