Category: Chapter 23

  • Write about the spirit

    Write about the spirit

    It was the Guru Puja in 1983. I had never been to a puja and knew nothing about pujas. We were having a barbecue and Mother was sitting eating, and She called me down and I knelt in front of Her. She began talking to me, and told me to go back home and write…

  • Untitled post 2785

    I remember Shri Mataji hugging all of us ladies goodbye at the airport. Yes. She’d given us a big hug and a kiss before going. Lyndal Vercoe

  • Untitled post 2957

    We asked an English Sahaja Yogi to go to the shops and buy more, but he shortly returned saying the shops were closed. Some time later, Shri Mataji Herself came to see how the work was going and, when we told Her that we were running out of cement, She very gently pointed out the…

  • Untitled post 2959

    ‘Don’t worry and just keep going and go on with your work,’ She said. They went on and this bucket of cement never ended. They went on and on and it was still full, so they could finish the whole room and it was finished by the time we had to leave for the Guru…

  • Untitled post 2961

    It was my job to mix the cement with the water and the more I took out from the sack, the more I found inside. When we finished the marble floor, we still had cement left over, which turned out to be precisely sufficient to tile the corridor leading to the kitchen. The bucket emptied…

  • Untitled post 2963

    Giovanni had just finished the tiling and he put two pieces of wood on the entrance of the dining room because he didn’t want the people to step on the tiles just yet. Then Shri Mataji came down the stairs and into the corridor, which was also just done. He had put some wooden pieces…

  • Untitled post 2965

    ‘Well,’ we thought to ourselves humbly, ‘whatever Mother wants to do, that’s fine. We can reset the tiles afterwards, no problem.’ But when She left we looked closely and discovered that the only tiles that had moved were those which we ourselves had slightly mis-set and which were now exactly in the right position.                                                                                                         …

  • Untitled post 2971

    Three of us had to move a very heavy wooden bed. We were at the foot of the bed, on our knees and we pushed and pushed but it didn’t move. After some time, Shri Mataji said to push again. In that moment, I turned my head and I saw Shri Mataji touching with Her…

  • Havan at the Guru Puja 1983

    Havan at the Guru Puja 1983

    This photograph of a havan is at the Guru Puja which took place at a location north of Brighton around July 1983. The then leader of Mumbai was there and was asked by Mother to read the thousand names of Shri Adi Guru for this havan.        Djamel Metouri

  • Untitled post 2973

    Then there was a big cupboard, wardrobe for clothes. They needed to move this cupboard and no one could move it. But when Shri Mataji just touched it with Her finger, it just moved easily. Giovanni Albinesi