An explanation of Shri Kalki

I convey to you another revelation of Mother, which was given in Volterra, Italy in 1986. With a group of about thirty Sahaja Yogis, we asked Her to confirm that She was the incarnation of the new age, Satya Yuga.

‘No,’ She replied, ‘and tonight I am going to reveal who it is.’

For this purpose we rented a restaurant and had a table arranged in the centre of the room. Shri Mataji sat at the table and asked some of us to sit around Her. The recording of Her speech started at the point of Mother’s explanation of the relationship between the Spirit and the soul and has already been published. There is a photograph of that moment, in which Mother smiles over a glass, where they are seven lights that correspond to the seven chakras, but this is what Mother said previously. She began by saying that the incarnation of the New Age and Satya Yuga was the tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Shri Kalki.

‘I am the mother of Shri Kalki and My only goal is to give birth to the incarnation which is the collective being, the Virata. For this I am working on all the molecules which have to make up the chakras of this incarnation. I started in the Mooladhara (Australia) and now I’m still missing the Agnya Chakra (Russia). When all the cells needed for the birth of Shri Kalki will be ready in this world, I will return to India to raise the Kundalini of the Virata (India). When the Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara (the Himalayas and the largest mountains) Shri Kalki (God, the Spirit in this human world) will put His Feet on this earth, My job will be completed and I will leave the human world.’

‘Mother, will all the Sahaja Yogis be cells of Shri Kalki?’ was asked.

‘No,’ She said,  ‘the arrival of Almighty God to earth will result in the beginning of a general awakening among the majority of humanity who are not seekers, and they will meet the Sahaja Yogis who will have to be their guide.’

‘What will happen to the Sahaja Yogis that have become cells of Shri Kalki?’ I ventured to ask.

She stared at me showing that I had understood very little.

‘They will not exist anymore, they will be the Spirit,’ She replied, ‘The drop will become the ocean.’

Asking why, after the arrival of Shri Kalki She would leave, She replied, ‘Because I’m a mother and a mother cannot bear certain things.’

Javier Valderamma



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